Community Organising Training

core concepts
Our interactive training courses examine core concepts of Community Organising - such as: POWER - PRIVILEGE - ACTION.
TCC has successfully trained and developed a growing alliance of powerful community leaders in North Wales since 1995.

building power
TCC's original founding members were trained in the style of community organising practiced by Barack Obama's mentor, Greg Galluzzo of the Gamaliel Foundation.
We build on this tradition, whilst adapting and learning from diverse leaders, as we continue to build community power across generations.

to your needs
Building relationships and building power is a long-term mission.
The training sessions we offer have been developed over the years by TCC’s experienced founding members, organisers, and leaders.
Sessions are tailored to your needs, so do get in touch with any queries.
​Our next training events will be held in August and November 2023 - encompassing YOUTH CRAFTIVISM, CHANGEMAKERS - INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNITY ORGANISING, and RESIDENTIAL TRAINING.
Look through the selection below to find the training that is right for you - click on the image to find out more and book:
Comments from participants
“It’s given me confidence... I have rediscovered a back bone.”
“Very empowering and awakening… I wasn’t expecting this from a course on community organising!”
“I am equipped and empowered.”
“For all sorts of public and private reasons, I was feeling battered and knocked about, trying to please everyone and solve all problems. I now feel empowered not to have to do this. I need to have expectations of others and myself.”
“This has equipped me with the confidence, tools and energy to challenge power.”
“There is a clear step by step process to achieve goals – that is personal qualities and practical skills.”
“I was impressed by the delivery of the course … I was pleasantly surprised to find the one-to-one scenarios powerful and uplifting and was given insight into my own strengths and weaknesses which will strengthen my own personal journey and challenge me to be effective within my own community.”
“The best training I have ever experienced. I have learned more about organising people and making a difference than in 20+ years in and working in education.”
“I feel I have been informed and am capable of being a local leader within my local community.”
“I have learnt about the barriers within myself that prevent me being more courageous.”
“I now feel I have the tools I need to accomplish what I want.”