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Accountability Meetings

TCC holds accountability meetings in the lead up to MP and AM elections. These give the community a chance to meet the candidates, but also for TCC to form a relationship with the candidates, see how they would progress TCC’s issues if elected, and hold them to account for this once in office. Most recently all five police and crime commissioner candidates were put through their paces by TCC. Over 100 members of the local community turned out to put the potential commissioners on the spot. One of the chairs of the meeting from Capel y Groes and TCC, Gareth Davies Jones said “The aim of the evening was to build an ongoing working relationship with all the candidates, and especially with whoever is successful. “TCC often works with power people to achieve change on issues affecting our communities, so this is really important for our work. We were extremely pleased that so many people turned out to find out more about the candidates and report back to their own community groups, as very few people knew much about the candidates beforehand.” Candidates answered questions on a range of topics, including their priorities if elected, how they plan to engage with local communities, and how to deal with rural policing.

For photos of the evening, visit our Facebook page.

37 Kingsmills Road, Wrexham. LL13 8NH

Charity no/rhif elusen: 1086434
Company no/rhif cwmni: 04033853


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